Delivery within Germany and the EU is carried out by DHL directly from our store. For international shipments, a suitable transport company will be selected.
Within Germany, the delivery time is within 5 days. For deliveries within the EU and internationally, the delivery time may vary.
Please note that deliveries outside the EU may be subject to import duty, which is not included in the price and is to be paid by the recipient upon receipt.
Shipping within Germany and the EU: EUR 5.00
International shipping: rates on request
The shipping rate is calculated as a 'one rate fits all', based on DHL-package S within Germany at EUR 3.89 and DHL-package XS within the EU at EUR 6.49. Rates for a DHL package XS to the UK are EUR 8.99, all plus packaging.
There are cheaper shipping rates available without tracking. Should you prefer to use these please contact us.